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Rounds with Dr. Manny - Kingsport

Olivia Knoll • March 8, 2019

Rounds with Dr. Manny - Kingsport

It was great to be in Kingsport with so many dedicated community leaders. We heard that abuse of both opioids and meth is presenting real challenges in the Kingsport area. We also heard great ideas for how to improve treatment protocols for people with addiction and what school resources are needed to help children from drug-abusing families. We will include what we have learned in a white paper of recommendations to present to local and state legislators in Tennessee. Thank you to Alice McCaffrey and the Sullivan County Anti-Drug Coalition for partnering with us.

Where is Healthy Tennessee?

July 8, 2021
Healthy Tennessee is excited to announce the Health Fair & Food Distribution in Rutherford County on Saturday, July 17. Make plans to join us for this free event!
By allison August 6, 2019
Healthy Tennessee is excited to announce that our second annual statewide summit on the opioid crisis will be on Monday, October 7th in Nashville from 8:30am - 2:00pm. It will be held at the Hermitage Hotel, 231 6th Ave North Nashville Tn, 37219. This meeting will include health stakeholders from across the Volunteer State to find solutions to end the opioid crisis. We will also have expert speakers and panels. Lunch will be provided and there will be limited seating. We are excited about this upcoming event and hope to see you there! For questions, and to RSVP please contact
By allison August 6, 2019
Healthy Tennessee is proud to partner with Jackson Street Church of Christ and United Healthcare to host our next free health fair. The health fair will be on Saturday, October 12th from 10:00am-1:00pm at Jackson Street Church of Christ in Nashville. Health screenings will be provided for all ages including blood pressure, height/weight, glucose screenings, well child checks, and bone/tissue injuries. Additionally, Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle TN will provide fresh groceries to all health fair participants. Health-focused and education organizations will be on site. For a free vendor booth, please contact
By Olivia Knoll May 24, 2019
Congratulations to the winners of the Healthy Tennessee Challenge, the Science Hill High School Pharmacological Science class! The students in the class include: Abbie Campbell, Olivia Carr, Nya Conley, Savannah Huff, Conner Morgan, Elvis Ortiz, Mykayla Vaughn, Laura Vidales, and Kaylee Wilhoit. Their instructor is Ms. Jan Mould. Science Hill High School will receive an award for $2,000 from Healthy Tennessee to use towards the implementation of the students’ program, "The Whisper", a peer support group for students to find resources related to addiction or mental health treatment. Dr. Manny Sethi said, “These students have gone above and beyond to show their classmates and community that they can make a difference in the opioid crisis. Healthy Tennessee congratulates their efforts of creativity and leadership, and hope that they will continue to be a positive impact on the world around them.” Johnson City Mayor Jenny Brock said, “I am so proud of our Science Hill Pharmacological Science program students and their commitment to making a difference at their school. They are tackling the opioid problem among teens by moving it from something that gets talked about to something that gets acted upon. By developing “The Whisper” program, they are igniting a trusted peer support group to help their fellow students learn and avoid experimenting with opioids or how to face the impact opioids may already have on their lives. Thank you to these wise students." To view the submission video from the Science Hill High School Pharmacological Science Class, click here .
By Olivia Knoll May 20, 2019
We met with so many knowledgeable and passionate community leaders in Rutherford County today for our latest stop in Rounds with Dr. Manny. One of Rutherford County's biggest strengths is the We C.A.R.E.S. group, which meets monthly to discuss the opioid epidemic here. Thank you to Sarah Murfree with Prevention Coalition for Success and Bill Rawnsley with Greenhouse Ministries for hosting, and special thanks to Senator Shane Reeves for being with us.
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